robsd-regress.confrobsd-regress configuration file

robsd-regress.conf is the configuration file for robsd-regress(8). A string value type enclosed in “double-quotes” may refer to other configuration variables on the form ${variable}. Additional variables are also available, see robsd-config(8).

The following variables are recognized:

Directory used to store invocations.
{path... }
Command to invoke after each non-skipped step, see robsd-hook(5).
Interval expressed in seconds in which robsd-stat(8) collects statistics. Defaults to 10.
Number of invocations to keep in robsddir, see robsd-clean(8). Defaults to keeping everything.
Instruct robsd-clean(8) to move old invocations to a directory named attic rooted in robsddir. Otherwise, old invocations are completely removed. Defaults to yes.
Run all configured regression tests in parallel. At most kern.ncpuonline number of regression tests runs in parallel, see sysctl(2). Defaults to yes.
Mount bsd-srcdir read-only before running any regression tests. Used to detect object directory ignorance. Requires bsd-srcdir to reside on a dedicated partition. Defaults to no.
Command used to elevate privileges, defaults to “doas -n”.
Path to sticky patches to always apply to bsd-srcdir, expressed as a glob(7) pattern. It's silently ignored if glob does not yield any matches.
Source directory for the src tree, defaults to /usr/src.
Upstream cvs(1) repository used to update sources from.
User to perform cvs(1) and patch(1) operations on behalf of.
path” [options]
Regression test to execute where path must be relative to ${bsd-srcdir}/regress. May be given multiple times. The following options can be used to influence the execution:
{key=val... }
Add one more many environment variables.
Execute regression test synchronously.
{path” ... }
Additional path requiring an object directory where path must be relative to bsd-srcdir. The object directory is created by the obj step, see robsd-regress(8).
{pkg-name” ... }
Required packages(7) by the regression test. All declared packages will respectively be added and deleted by the pkg-add and pkg-del steps, see robsd-regress(8).
Do not report skipped, disabled or expected fail targets for this regression test.
Run the regression test as root as opposed of regress-user.
{target” ... }
The make(1) target to build. Defaults to regress.
timeout unit
Timeout with higher precedence than regress-timeout. See below for how timeout and unit is interpreted.
{key=val... }
Environment variables added to all regression tests.
timeout unit
Abort each regression test if it has been running for more than timeout. The unit must be either s, m or h. Defaults to unlimited.
User to run regression tests on behalf of. Defaults to build.

The default configuration file.

Example configuration:

robsddir "/home/robsd-regress"
regress "bin/csh"
regress "bin/ksh"
regress "sys/nfs" root
regress "usr.sbin/bgpd" packages { "exabgp" }

robsd-config(8), robsd-regress(8)

Anton Lindqvist <>

February 3, 2022 OpenBSD 7.6