ROBSD(8) System Manager's Manual ROBSD(8)

robsdbuild OpenBSD release

robsd [-d] [-S src-patch] [-X xenocara-patch] [-c comment] [-s step] [-t tag]

robsd [-d] -r path

The robsd utility builds a OpenBSD release according to the release(8) process. The process is divided into the steps as follows:

Dump the current environment. This is a no operation only used to collect data useful while debugging.
Update or checkout the bsd-srcdir and x11-srcdir source directories. This step is optional and requires presence of certain configuration, see robsd.conf(5).
Apply patches including sticky ones, see robsd.conf(5).
Build and install a new kernel using the kernel configuration, see robsd.conf(5).
Reboot the machine before continuing the build, exercising the new kernel by resuming robsd from rc.firsttime(8). This step is optional and requires reboot to be enabled, see robsd.conf(5).
Build and install the base system.
Make and validate the base system.
Check for missing contents in the release sets.
Build and install the xenocara system.
Make and validate the xenocara system.
Create boot and installation disk images.
Compute checksums for release files.
Inverse of patch step.
Distribute the release files to another host using scp(1). This step is optional and requires presence of certain configuration, see robsd.conf(5).
Take a copy of dmesg(8).
Auxillary step used to generate report.

Each invocation is identified by a directory created by robsd rooted in robsddir and is named after the current date. The directory contains the entries as follows. In addition, each executed step has a corresponding log file in the same directory.

File used to annotate the invocation which is included in report. By default, it contains a list of all applied patches.
Copy of dmesg(8).
Directory containing the release files. Referred to as RELEASEDIR in release(8).
A summary delivered as a mail to root while running in the background once robsd exits.
Standard output and error from robsd while running in the background.
Symlink to the rel directory, making the invocation directory compatible with sysupgrade(8).
Collected statistics, see robsd-stat(8).
Internal representation of the executed steps, see robsd-step(8).
Tags included in report.

robsd is configured using robsd.conf(5) and must run as root. Some steps can however operate on behalf of another user. By default, robsd runs in the background and must be killed using robsd-kill(8) to ensure a clean exit.

The options are as follows:

Do not detach robsd into the background.
Patch to apply to bsd-srcdir. The patch path names can be relative to any directory in bsd-srcdir. The same patch will be reverted by the revert step, see above. In addition, a copy of the patch is saved to a file named src.diff.N in the invocation directory where N is incremented for every given patch. May be given multiple times.
Patch to apply to x11-srcdir. The patch path names can be relative to any directory in x11-srcdir. The same patch will be reverted by the revert step, see above. In addition, a copy of the patch is saved to a file named xenocara.diff.N in the invocation directory where N is incremented for every given patch. May be given multiple times.
Path to comment included in report.
Resume an invocation located at path. If the last executed step failed or aborted, it will be executed again. Otherwise, the next step will be executed.
Skip step, see enumerated steps above. May be given multiple times.
Arbitrary tag used to annotate the invocation which is included in report. May be given multiple times.

The default configuration file.

The robsd utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

robsd.conf(5), release(8), robsd-clean(8), robsd-cross(8), robsd-kill(8), robsd-ports(8), robsd-regress(8), robsd-rescue(8), robsd-stat(8)

Anton Lindqvist <>

November 27, 2018 OpenBSD 7.6