CANVAS(1) General Commands Manual CANVAS(1)

canvastask automation

canvas [-d] [-c comment] [-s step] [-t tag] -C path

canvas [-d] -r path

The canvas utility exposes the generic parts of the robsd(8) tooling. Providing an empty canvas for task automation, capable of handling both synchronous and asynchronous tasks. The steps to execute are defined using canvas.conf(5).

Each invocation is identified by a directory created by canvas rooted in canvas-dir and is named after the current date. The directory contains the entries as follows. In addition, each executed step has a corresponding log file in the same directory.

File used to annotate the invocation which is included in report.
A summary delivered as a mail to the invoking user while running in the background once canvas exits.
Standard output and error from canvas while running in the background.
Collected statistics, see robsd-stat(8).
Internal representation of the executed steps, see robsd-step(8).
Tags included in report.

By default, canvas runs in the background and must be killed using robsd-kill(8) to ensure a clean exit.

The options are as follows:

Do not detach canvas into the background.
Path to configuration, see canvas.conf(5).
Path to comment included in report.
Resume an invocation located at path. If the last executed step failed or aborted, it will be executed again. Otherwise, the next step will be executed.
Skip step, see enumerated steps above. May be given multiple times.
Arbitrary tag used to annotate the invocation which is included in report. May be given multiple times.

The canvas utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


Anton Lindqvist <>

June 3, 2024 OpenBSD 7.6